What age is good for kids to start learning coding?
I agree that teenagers should start to learn coding. They will understand it better. It’s great that kids learn to code under the age of 10.
However, I don’t think that kids should start as soon as they can. It’s better if they grow up a bit and start to learn coding at an age when they will understand it better.
So what age is good for kids to start learning coding? My answer is that kids will learn coding easier and better when they are teenagers.
That said, I don’t think that it’s a problem if a kid starts to learn coding at the age of 10, or even younger. It’s important that kids think that it’s cool. For example, if the kid has a great interest in robotics.
But it’s important that they don’t push the kid to learn coding. The kid should learn it by himself/herself. Companies like Whitehat Jr, Codecademy, Code Avengers, and other companies that teach kids coding have a great future.
But will the kids who learn coding in such companies have a great future?
That depends. When kids, especially at an young age are pushed to do things they don’t like, it generally does not turn out well. I’m not saying that kids should not learn coding. I’m saying that it’s important that kids have fun while learning coding. That they think it’s cool.
So maybe start early, lets say when the kid is 8 years old. See if they bite. If they don’t, don’t push them. I’m pretty sure that they will learn it in a year or two. Do this every six months. It’s important that you don’t push the kid and say that if you don’t learn coding you will be a loser. That will not help. If you are saying that you are helping the kid to learn something that he/she likes, it’s better. But it’s also important that the kid wants to learn it on his/her own.
So the next time you see an advertisement for coding classes for kids from Whitehat Jr and others, think twice. If the kid is learning it because he/she likes it, it’s ok. But if the kid is learning it because his/her parents like it, it’s not good. And don’t fall for the FOMO. Kids will learn it on their own if they want to.
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Article written with the help pf GPT-3.